It is not a quick fix.

Communication can drive change, and big events means big impact.
These are our tools for a sustainable future.

It’s done together

We have learned that we make the biggest impact by focusing on our large projects. In close cooperation with clients and suppliers we make sustainable choices.
But it doesn’t stop there. Together with our network, we drive change through various initiatives for sustainable development.

We are a proud member and event partner to Diversity Charter – the world’s largest network in diversity and inclusion. Since 2019 we are also active members of the network Hållbar Besöksnäring, The City of Stockholm Climate Pact and we support the global initiative Net Zero Carbon Events.


PS Occasion Responsibility Guide is our method helping us to make sustainable choices from start-up to follow-up. In the insight phase, we create the right conditions for sustainable choices throughout the project. All assignments are different but we put great effort focusing on the areas where we can have the most impact – regardless of whether it concerns travel, waste management or the choice of keynote speakers at the event.

Sustainability is of course about much more, but for all unavoidable carbon emissions we encourage our clients to find certified ways to compensate.

Certified sustainable events

Together with our partner Greentime, we use a digital tool that provides structure and responsible choices covering both the ecological, social and economic perspectives.

The tool also includes a Co2 calculator which makes it easy for us to compare how different choices affects the footprint of the event. If the event meets the requirements of the certification, it will be titled Certified Sustainable Event.

Talk to us for a demonstration of the tool and to explore your options.

Want to know more?
Reach out to Anna Pesula, Head of Sustainability at PS Occasion
