A systematic approach

Anna Pesula, Head of Sustainability at PS Occasion

Diversity Month 2024

Diversity Month 2024

In May, the Diversity Month event takes place. During 2024, the theme ‘Embracing the future of work through inclusion and diversity’ puts focus on inclusion in the modern workplace.

During this year, we at PS Occasion have taken the theme to heart, by, among other things, interviewing some of our team members about their perspective and thoughts on the subject of diversity and inclusion.

What is the PS Occasion way of making events more inclusive?

“Firstly, with our tool Responsibility Guide, we have a systematic way of addressing diversity and inclusion issues. Secondly, we have extensive experience with these issues and have also conducted several certified events with measurable goals. Thirdly, we are partners and members of several networks that are rich sources of knowledge and experience.”

What are your own most important experiences?

“It’s impossible to consider all perspectives alone. This underscores the importance of seeking assistance from partners and leveraging one’s network. Another aspect is that things normally don’t happen on their own. We work in an industry where things move quickly, and there’s always a desire to challenge with new and creative ideas. It’s easy to overlook perspectives, which makes a systematic approach extremely important.”

What responsibility does the client and the agency have?

“Regardless of the current situation, it’s essential to actively address diversity and inclusion. For example, if the leadership team consists predominantly of, say, middle-aged white men, you must ensure representation in other ways. Our role as an agency is to question, provide multiple perspectives, and offer a framework to work from.”