Diversity must start with leadership
Marie Lasota, CEO PS Occasion
Marie Lasota, CEO PS Occasion
In May, the Diversity Month event takes place. During 2024, the theme ‘Embracing the future of work through inclusion and diversity’ puts focus on inclusion in the modern workplace.
During this year, we at PS Occasion have taken the theme to heart, by, among other things, interviewing some of our team members about their perspective and thoughts on the subject of diversity and inclusion.
“We want to improve our own inclusion efforts and delve deeper into the subject. We also aim to share our knowledge about creating inclusive events and inspire the companies in the network. To practice what we preach, we have organized our own Diversity Day at PS Occasion, where employees have been given inspiration and the opportunity to delve deeper into these issues.”
“The industry has always faced a challenge in hiring individuals from different ethnic backgrounds. Therefore, we collaborate with Jobbsprånget, connecting companies with foreign-born academics.
Additionally, we have several times partnered with Arbetsförmedlingen, providing opportunities for employees with reduced work capacity. This collaboration has brought us fresh perspectives, introduced fantastic new colleagues, and put talents to work.
We firmly believe that diversity must start with leadership. That’s why the agency is owned by 13 employees – 7 women and 6 men – together representing various backgrounds and competencies.”
“We work with some of the world’s leading brands – by sharing our knowledge and influencing them, we create our greatest impact. Often, mistakes are made not out of unwillingness but due to lack of time, experience, and knowledge. That’s where we with our tools and experience can help our clients while also driving the entire industry in the right direction.”