Weland Next Step

Weland aimed to strengthen engagement and build relationships with one of its most important target groups: architects. We at PS Occasion, in cooperation with the industry organization Sveriges Arkitekter, helped them organize the architecture competition Weland Next Step.

Activate the target audiance

Weland is a leading manufacturer and supplier of products such as spiral staircases, railings, ramps, and mezzanines. Architects are a key target group for Weland, as they are often responsible for selecting and specifying the company’s products. To activate this target group around the brand, the idea of holding an architecture competition was born.

The campaign

After careful consideration, it was decided that the competition would target architecture students in Sweden – Weland’s future target group. Students have the time, commitment, and creativity that can contribute to innovative and challenging ideas.

The task in the competition was to design the spiral staircase of the future. The winner would have their idea realized through a full-scale prototype manufactured at Weland’s factory, which was then showcased to the industry at Nordbygg 2024 – the largest construction fair in the Nordics.

To ensure enough time to communicate and engage the architectural community, the campaign period was extended. The competition was launched in May 2023 and concluded with the awards ceremony at Nordbygg on April 21, 2024.


Among 28 submitted entries, the jury selected “Artär” by August Håkansson Orsvall from Konstfack as the winner. The design was produced as a prototype in Weland’s factory and exhibited at Nordbygg in Stockholm, where the awards ceremony also took place.

The competition was a win-win-win: students gained exposure and the opportunity to bring their ideas to life, the architectural community enjoyed engaging content and inspiration, and Weland got fresh perspectives on their product as well as the chance to build relationships with future architects.

In addition to the competition format, strategy, and concept, PS Occasion assisted Weland with social media communication, PR efforts, and the execution of the jury work.